Aug 11 2017

Whether you’re operating a small or large business, you’re likely aware of Google My Business. It’s a free service offered by Google that accompanies your existing business website and helps to strengthen your public identity. In terms of quality local SEO, Google My Business profiles are one of the most important aspects as they’re free to create and they’ll allow you to appear in local search results when a user searches for the products and services you offer.

While it is such an important aspect of a successful business, there are some ways you can optimise the benefits that come from Google My Business. Check these out below!

The basics

First and foremost, you must ensure that all the basics on your profile are accurate with absolutely no mistakes. This involves having your exact business name with no spelling errors and the correct category for your type of business. The phone number listed on your profile should be local and should match the number that is displayed on the page it links to, likely your website. If all the details you give on your My Business profile match the details on your website, Google will reward you.


Unbeknownst to many, the businesses offering the most detailed information on their My Business profile will be ranked the best. More importantly though, the detailed information should be accurate and match your business’ information. Your listing needs to communicate well and clearly with prospective clients about what your company offers, where exactly you are located, and how these customers can acquire the goods or services you offer.


Photos in a My Business profile are hugely important, and many businesses don’t understand this. Companies with photos on their profile receive 35% more clicks through to their websites than those businesses without. This is a huge difference! Some photos you should include could involve appealing images of what your brand entails, a photo of your logo, some photos of the products or services you sell, your staff with happy customers or in the process of working or some photos of your office or where you operate.

Interact with your customers and their reviews

A lot of customers nowadays rely on reviews of businesses when deciding whether they want to purchase that company’s goods or services. Obviously, a lot of good reviews will give your business a great image, especially if you’ve replied to them with gratitude. A very ‘personal’ company goes a long way. With negative reviews especially though, it’s very important to reply promptly so others can see you care about your customers and are quickly looking to fix any problems that may arise.

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