There are many ways to build websites nowadays. While it can be difficult deciding which platform to use, it’s important to understand that websites created using most of the available platforms may prove not very beneficial to your business.
While you can make them look fancy, and if they’re marketed well they can be valuable, most platforms are generally more suited to creating personal sites as opposed to business sites.
This is where WordPress is different.
You may or may not be familiar with WordPress. Basically, it is a Content Management System (CMS) that offers all the basics required to create a website, whilst giving you the freedom to design it exactly the way you like. Having this range means you can create a project that will fit your company image perfectly. This one of the main reasons that the beginning of 2016 saw WordPress powering 25% of all websites in the world.
WordPress offers thousands of free themes to help you spark ideas and thousands of free plugins to allow you to add the very functionality you want for your site.
The most important advantage WordPress has to offer is its reputation in terms of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). When it comes to SEO, it’s touted as the best platform to use. WordPress sites are content-based and Google massively rewards these kinds of sites in terms of their ranking. Website speed and responsiveness to different devices are hugely important factors when it comes to your Google ranking.
WordPress sites have a huge a lot of capacity for SEO. Back in 2015, Google released an algorithm update that related to mobile friendliness. Websites that weren’t responsive were hit fairly hard in their rankings and since then, mobile functionality has become one of the most important factors in a good search engine ranking. But fortunately, most WordPress themes are responsive and it was easy enough to change, if it wasn’t.
If you’re after an e-commerce site,WordPress is the way to go. With the latest security plugins, you can be assured that your customers’ information is kept confidential. With updates occurring regularly, WordPress is constantly improving so your site will continually become more secure.
It’s important to note that while a website can be created on WordPress with little to no experience, it does require expertise to produce a website that will not only bring in new business but be a site that people will eagerly visit.
Since WordPress is a fully-functional, completely customisable and an SEO-friendly content management system, we choose to build every website with this platform. You can check out our portfolio to see all the projects we’ve created using WordPress. To find out more or to get started, give us a call on 1300 090 401.
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