Nov 04 2017

Of all the strategies used in search engine optimisation, blogging is one of the most common. However, it is only effective when done correctly as the popularity of keyword stuffing has made Google more vigilant with its algorithm. Here are some of the reasons why quality blogging is an important part of a successful SEO strategy.

Build blog articles around keyphrases and keywords your customers search

The dynamics of keyphrase and keyword use are the basis of SEO. Blogging has always provided a means of embedding these terms but wasn’t always created with the customer in mind. Previously, keywords were repeatedly used in nonsensical articles to encourage search engines to rank pages ahead of the competition but were difficult to read and lacked the information people wanted. Google has evolved to recognise quality content and favour pages that use keyphrases in a natural and sensible manner. Blog articles can be developed with a keyword or keyphrase in mind but must provide engaging and valuable content for the reader.

Keep your website updated with fresh content

Search engines look for fresh content to ensure websites are being kept relevant for users and up to date with the industry standards. Many pages on a website may not need to be changed often as the history of your company or product information won’t change. This means there must be a place where you can consistently post fresh content. Blogging is a natural and logical way of adding new content that keeps your business up to date in the eyes of both potential customers and search engines.

Add pages to your website for Google to index

The new pages created by blogging will expand your website and give Google more pages to index. Each individual page can be used to target keyphrases through quality content, giving your business more opportunities to rank highly in the search results. By creating links between your blog posts, you can increase user engagement and direct potential customers to other areas on your website. Give your business more chances to rank on page 1.

At FX Web Studio, we know how to leverage off blogging in our SEO strategies. To find out how we can help your business rank on page 1 of Google, call 1300 090 401.

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